Learning a musical instrument such as the guitar is not only an enjoyable experience, but also provides numerous benefits to one’s cognitive development. 

Enhance learning 

Studies have shown how music training can positively impact one’s brain development. A study by the Brain and Creativity Institute at USC demonstrated that “music training accelerates maturity in areas of the brain responsible for sound processing, language development, speech perception and reading skills.” 

It also showed remarkable academic benefits, such as improvement of memory. One Canadian study found that ‘students who select music courses have better grades than the others in all subjects’, ‘cognitive mechanisms related to overcoming cognitive dissonances are discussed’, and suggested that ‘enjoyment of music might cause academic improvement.’

Music and teaching

Just like learning math in school, playing the guitar involves some basic physics lessons when a guitar player, from plucking the strings to shredding a chord, as this TEDEd video demonstrates.

Let’s play the guitar!

Let’s get started. There are a few important things to remember when introducing a guitar to a first-time learner, especially a child, such as:

     Right guitar size 

Prioritize comfort to maximize play ability. Is it too small, too big, too heavy? Can you comfortably reach around it when you stand, sit? For kids, there are small and mid-sized guitars offered (toy guitars are not the same thing!) at instrument stores that they can try out.

     Type and quality of guitar 

It’s always great to start with an acoustic guitar, which is adaptable and a good starting point for those who are learning to play for the first time. It has two main types: the classical and steel-string guitar.

Classical guitars have nylon strings that are easy and more comfortable to play, and are better for first-time learners with smaller hands.

Steel-string guitars may pose some challenge for young children, since it requires more dexterity and strength to hold down the strings. Long-time playing may cause soreness, too. So take it slow and easy. 

Playing the guitar is a great start to one’s musical journey. It’s a valuable outlet for creativity and self-expression. More than the cognitive skills that can be improved, it also develops one’s sense of individuality.

Learn guitar from the comfort of your own home! Head on to Live Music Tutor’s Guitar page today and sign up or login anytime, anywhere. Choose from our wide selection of talented and friendly guitar instructors and schedule your lesson today. Use the code 10OFF to get a 10% discount off your lesson.

Category : Musical Gems to Know